We all know that smoking tobacco and cigarettes is not very healthy habit. But .... "I do workout and smoke not so much... it is not so big thing... why should I be so fanatical and quit when I really like smoking? Off course I want best results from my workouts but I take care about all other things so I will advance for sure .... I can go on smoking, build muscles and lose fat; you will see...smoking has no effects on me"! Sounds familiar...?

People tend thinking in this way. But deep in side us, there is a fight and uncertainty which is really annoying sometimes. How can I know is smoking really going to harm my muscle gains or not? If you are about to start going regularly to your gym or you want to accelerate your workout results this may help you very much. How do I know that? Well it is simple - I've been there so I know how it feels. If you are trying your best to get in good shape but you are a smoker this is painful subject therefore I'll try to really give you helpful points:

Imagine driving sports car with gas pedal brake pad factory pushed to floor and hand brake pulled! Makes not much sense, isn't it? This is exactly what you do to your "sports car" with regular nicotine intake. But I'm quite sure you know this already. Everybody knows that smoking cause cancer, heart attacks and strokes. But, did you heard of newest research results that clearly show why smokers lose more muscle mass.

In case you did not, here is a quick overview. Michael Rennie and Dr. Philip Atherton, with colleagues in Denmark and the United States, discovered that smoking impairs the day-to-day upkeep of muscle. ."From our tests, we can conclude that smoking slows the muscle protein synthesis machinery -- probably impairing day-to-day upkeep of muscle," Atherton said in a statement.

The researchers discovered that the amounts of myostatin, a muscle growth inhibitor, and MAFbx enzyme, which break down muscle protein, were higher in smokers than non-smokers. Smoking severely damages muscle-building in the body - both stunting its growth and breaking it down, a groundbreaking study shows.

Professor Rennie warned young, body-obsessed gym lovers who think they can carry on smoking because they are active the habit severely decreases muscle-forming processes. He said: "This is an entirely new finding of another damaging side effect to the body caused by smoking, it has never been found before. This is a new reason for people to give up smoking completely, especially as they get older. Is it enough...?

Problem I faced in my numerous attempts to quit was of more practical nature. Theoretically I knew all this but I lacked something to fill my day in way that I do not feel that urge of desire for smoking the cigarette. I struggled on both fields. I wanted to quit but I could not do it. Therefore I had hard times looking how boys in the gym pack on muscles like mad! When I almost gave up (not smoking habit but my workouts and muscle building attempts) fortunately I had decided to try out one last thing out.

A friend who gained more muscles in 5 months time than I did in 2 years recommended me complete muscle gain system which changed quite some things in my life. In first 2 months I packed 17 lbs of lean muscle but I finally started gaining muscle despite my hardcore smoking. After long time of disappointment this was just incredible feeling.

And here comes the best part. As much I advanced by applying the principals of this system that much my desire and taste for smoking got weaker. I steel remember that it was on 12th week of my new program when I finally stopped smoking. This was enough - believe me. I was hooked on new addiction - muscle building. But this addiction is great one.